Release Notes: Multi Media Search, Actor and Movies - TV Shows Details and Much more
We're excited to announce new features on WatchAndChill that will make your collaborative watchlist experience even better. Millions of movies, TV shows and actors are now at your fingertips.
Multi Media: WatchAndChill now supports both Movies and TV Shows. You can now add or search TV Shows.
Dive into details: You can now look at the details of the movie or TV Show. You can see the cast, crew, ratings, description and much more.
Actor Details: You can look up all the movies your favorite actor has starred in with just a single click. This feature makes it easy for you to follow the works of your favorite actors and actresses.
Trailer Support: You can now watch the trailer of the movie or TV Show you are interested in. This feature makes it easy for you to decide what to watch next.
Internationalization: WatchAndChill is now more language friendly. We are planning to add more languages in the future. If you want to contribute, please contact us.
- We have improved the performance of the app by reducing the number of API calls. You can now use it faster than ever.
- We have improved the UI of the app. It is now more intuitive and easy to use.
- We have fixed some bugs and improved the overall stability of the app.
- Now more mobile friendly.
If you have any feedback, please let us know. We will make sure to add it to our roadmap. Seriously, we love feedback.